Monday, December 21, 2015

21st Century is turning Sixteen: To Whom It May Concern

To Whom It May Concern

The 21st Century is turning to age of sixteen. Age of Sixteen is always considered as sweet sixteen. The concept of sweet sixteen is the point at which a person transitions into adulthood. To me, this 'Century' transitioning into maturity to more logical explorations and adventures. This is the age of space in-habitation, the age of improving/altering human qualities/habits/nature using molecular tools, harvesting energy from outer space, turning back to nature for personal satisfaction, self sustainability, age of holograms, age of fantasy in realistic form, fighting against diseases and age of unemployment.

I had explored, experienced and witnessed 20th Century in its last 20 years and has observed the 21st Century in its early 15 years. I can say for sure that this age will be more intangible than past few years in its presence in all aspects. 

I am excited to explore the 21st Century in its Sixteen. 

Wishing you best of luck in Sixteen'th of the 21st Century.

Ibn e adam
 Curiosity of nature will lead you to discovery and satisfaction. JuRehman

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Processed meat classified as cacinogenic by WHO; A potentially, major set back for Lab-grown burger patties coming in 2020

Two things came up parallel, how they are going to impact the meat market?

WHO 'World Health Organization' has officially classified processed meat as "carcinogenic" as it causes colorectal cancer. ( )
It all about processed red meat like which was salted, cured, sausages, ham, smoked, dried meat etc. Pork is major consuming item in USA, europe and China. Consuming 50 grams of processed meat per day increased the risk of cancer.

I feel, this development will create a major set back to recently developed technology of lab grown meat (In vitro meat). A lot more investment has been done in it. According to this technique, meat is cultured in the lab., using stem cells of the animal and its patties will be available by 2020 commercially ( In 2013, lab-grown beef burger was cooked and tasted for the first time in London ( This beef burger was cultured from stem cells of a dead cow. 
Definitely, this lab. grown meat will be cooked before consuming and red meat which is processed using various techniques/procedures has been categorized as carcinogenic.

Either, Lab-meat growers, have to come up with different solution or they must produce/present a comparative study that their lab-grown meat after processing will not cause cancer or potentially lower risk.

Lets see, how it will impact business of fast food chains and local meat market.

JU Rehman

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Human, Humanity & Eternity

Humans have so far learned the existence of time, its importance and experienced traveling in time zones of this planet earth, yet time coordinates need to be explored. Along with that we humans have experienced the time. Humans have learned that a complete tour of actual traveling back in time would be equal to few seconds or minutes of our current galaxy time zone. Can human travel into time & space coordinates? Can human travel in past? Yes, human can travel in past and can return safely but can't reverse past. Human has already done that. Can we do it again? The creator of this universe tells that I have made seven skies up and down, are these really skies or each sky represent a TIME ZONES in different time and space coordinates where time is slow in each sky/time zone e.g. one day of 24hrs in that time zone/sky may be equal to 500 yrs here of our galaxy. So, then what is death, I think, its just a travel into different time zone.

Ibn e adam
Curiosity of nature will lead you to discovery and satisfaction. Jurehman

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Human, Outer space and mannerism

We, the human beings on planet earth are the most intelligent species, that we believe, when we spent our whole life just to understand the mechanism of camouflage in  chameleon, isolation of bio active compounds from plants, microbes etc and nature's fascinations. When a dog just judges our fear hidden inside by smelling our pheromones from far a distance, we think we are the most intelligent ones.

We, the human beings, are exploring outer space for suitable planet to colonize even at Moon and Mars, which is no doubt a very good approach, while believing, soon this planet earth will not be fit for survival because of our mess.

What is the guarantee that the human being colonized at Mars or Moon will not destroy that place with our bad habits, as we have done on planet earth? 
What is the guarantee that the human beings will not fight when colonized at another planet, when we can't resolve our issues here and a race of arms & weapons on its way just to defend ourselves.

But I know one thing, Human nature never changes.

Ibn e adam, 


Curiosity of nature will leads you to discovery and satisfaction. Jurehman

Monday, March 16, 2015

Death and Iife after: A query!!!!

Death is the beautiful invention of life so far in the universe. It is not the extinction but to me its a window to a new world. One might have the same feelings as we leave for a different country for the first time and then we experience problems initially and later we get used too.
I have less understanding and less depth in religious issues/understandings. But the most important thing that keeping me restless is, in heaven or life after death,,when we all be given life again, when we all human from all the times will be together. Like, Pharoah of Egypt might have not seen the aeroplanes but I have definitely. So, what will be the mode of transportation there for such a huge numbers of human!!! I hope no one will gonna convict me of Blasphemy or being unrespectful, its just a question to learn......

Curiosity of nature will leads you to discovery and satisfaction (Jurehman)

Monday, March 9, 2015

Hail storm: ANTI- HAIL NETTING to prevent losses in Temporary/permanent Tunnel farming in Pakistan

Recent hail storms have massively destructed the vegetation in the tunnels farms in Pakistan.
Here are few suggestions for the future.

1. PVC sheet is so thin to hold the pressure of fast moving hail and definitely cross it result in breakage.
2. We need something that can just prevent/tolerate the pressure of the hail. It can be one time cost.
3. You dont need to cover the whole tunnel, only 3-4 ft from center top each side will save the crop.


The best and affordable solution:
Netting/hail netting

To me the best option :
 Pic: 1
 pic: 2

In picture no. 2: if you have this hail net about 1ft higher than the roof top of your tunnel, can well prevent crop from damage..

 Italian research: A nice article
 Dr. Luca Corelli is studying a rainbow of hail net colors to  see if fruit growth and development can be influenced.

Anti hail nets in Spain:

Check out the price on for anti hail nets, its nothing compare to costly crop.

 Now its upto us how we use it... we dont need to make a roof we need tilted angle to avoid accumulation of the hails,,,,

Alternate solutions:

1: For Temporary Tunnels (bamboo/metal rods and PVC sheet)

Fix two poles in the middle of the entrance on both sides, this pole should be about 1ft higher above top of Tunnel roof. Now,  you should have light Tirpal or any material which is strong, roll on between two poles.This roll will be unrolled only when required otherwise it will remain on top rolled. Its just like top over top...

2: For both Temp. and permanent Tunnels Structures..

I think you all have seen the windows blinds used to prevent sunlight in the room. Just like that the flaps of about 1 ft width and length depends on your tunnel. Either it can be of metal or parachute cloth which is cheap. It should cover the 3-4 ft of the top from center each side and attached to lever which can be open and closed as required.

OR tilted to an angle to avoid accumulation of hails on cover


Just for example, click this link to see it
 one set for 20sq meter is for $70 and I think you all can very well redesign it using local material or called REVERSE Engineering. rather than using poles of aluminium you can use metal strings and would be cheaper too, just like in many of the mosques they use metal strings to hold Tirpal to avoid sun light... These are just ideas and one has to use it according to their situation and availability of material.

 Good luck

Hope it will serve the purpose. Feel free to ask if you have any query..

Curiosity of nature will lead you to discovery and satisfaction. Jurehman

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Pakistani Talent: Fawaz Ahmad, Lafayette County Champion, Mississippi, USA... A seed!!

Fawaz Ahmad, 2015 Lafayette County Spelling Bee Winner These are seeds................
I feel proud to share the joyous moments to hear Fawaz Ahmad, a sixth grader, won the Spelling competition in the district on Jan 12th, 2015 and then later became the Lafayette county champion by beating the competitors in 5th-8th grade category. A kid of 6th grade competing with 8th grade shows the potential in the kid and talent. I wish him best of luck for March 7th, 2015 and then Washington DC.

Ibn e adam
(Curiosity of nature leads you to discovery and satisfaction. Jurehman)

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Human vs Human or Religion

In current situation, where religion/ethnic based fights/wars are common in the world. I was thinking that its not religion/ethnics based fights, actually we have destroyed the trust among human beings. 
Now, we humans mistrust humans, we human are afraid of other human being irrespective of the religion/ethnicity. All this situation, has ruined human as a human.

We have lost the 'Human'

Let's find it.....

Junaid U. Rehman
Curiosity of nature leads you to discovery and satisfaction. JURehman

Friday, February 20, 2015


We, being Muslim follow and pay our respect in the highest regard to Prophet Muhammad SAW. 

Prophet Muhammad SAW said, : Get education whether you have to travel to China"

 and we

imposed ban on youtube in Pakistan.


Junaid U. Rehman

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Bait Cars: A very good strategy by US Police


I came across a very good strategy by US police to capture the car thieves by introducing Bait Cars.
This is a normal car but equipped with a surveillance camera (hidden) in the dashboard. This camera is operated by the separate battery in the car and camera never turns off. They leave a bag/computer bag inside the car so that it may pose a normal situation. This car is parked any where. As soon as the stealer drive the car the police monitor displays all of it. Police either follow the car or alerts the nearby police to get ready for action.
To me its a very good strategy and by this police of Pakistan can also tackle or reduce the thefts by baiting the thieves. This system is very cheap and by this way actual face of the thieves can be identified.

A video link in this regard is given below where US police successfully captured the thieves.

I think this method of baiting can successfully be used  to avoid kidnapping of kids. A young girl/boy can be used as bait too, if police really wanted to.

We can learn from developed nations by adopting their good strategies.

Junaid U. Rehman
Curiosity of nature leads you to discovery and satisfaction. JURehman