Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Wars and Human Race

Adam had two sons Cain (Qabeel) and Abel (Habeel)

Genesis 4 tells of the birth of Cain [Cain (Hebrew: קַיִן, Qayin; Koine Greek Κάïν, Ka-in; Ethiopian version: Qayen; Arabic: قابيل, Qābīl)] and Abel [Abel (Hebrew: הֶבֶל, Hevel; Arabic: هابيل, Hābīl)], Adam and Eve's first children, while Genesis 5 gives Adam's genealogy past that. Adam and Eve are listed as having three children, Cain, Abel and Seth, then "other sons and daughters. (Ref. Wikipedia)

Cain killed Abel and the story continues till today............................... 

Ibn e adam
(Curiosity of nature leads you to discovery and satisfaction. Jurehman)

Monday, December 1, 2014

Simple advice......Dr. Israr Ahmad (Thanks Rabia)

Simple advice…..

My sister Rabia shared a very realistic saying of religious scholar Dr. Israr Ahmad (Late). 

"Don't be too proud wearing designer brands when the last thing you will be wearing is a Simple White Cloth."

I am adding... you will be barefooted in the grave also...

Hope you will sleep tight tonight!!!!!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Recent Floods in Pakistan and University enrollments

As you all know that flood has caused considerable damage and still its a potent threat. In many Universities of Punjab, the enrollments for the next semester are due and date is approaching. Considering all that, I think Universities should send a message on TV or cell phones of students, that the enrollments are delayed because of floods. Students can submit fee next month.

I think this we can do...


Flood in Pakistan and Policies of the Governing Politicians

You all may aware of the current devastation done by the recent floods in Pakistan because of heavy rain and extra water released by India (Surplus for their dams and storage capacity) into the rivers and rivers gone wild in Pakistan entering in cities, villages and damage has been done. During all this, I dont blame India for this, but a picture on internet has forced me to ask this question.

What was that picture? CM Punjab Shahbaz Shareef standing in flood water and visiting flood affected areas.

I ask a very simple question and might be eye opening for you also.
Mr. Shahbaz Shareef, you were the CM of Punjab in previous term 2008-2013, you are still and in Past your party was in rule for 31 years,,, what you have done to protect people from flood water. 
If you had made a system and rather than building bridges, if you had dug more canals and an alternate system to reroute/divert the flow of flood water, I would definitely say that you did something. Standing in flood water is not the administration, dont letting the water to stand is the administration...

You have not learn from flood of 2010 and earlier, and you have done nothing for floods, including the politicians of Sindh Its proven you dont/havent learn from history and not willing to learn......

Recently, there was a news on media where the machinery is trying to make protective soil boundary/barriers for your sugar mill and dairy farm but not for the public.......

Apart of all that, you are building new hospitals but you are not upgrading the existing ones...

Sorry to say, you are not a good administrator, you are just a.........................................

People have right to ask and we will keep on...


Monday, June 23, 2014

Tahir ul Qadri arrival,panic created and Islam: Is it to demoralize police who has to fight against terrorism after military operation?

Wao, Tahir ul Qadri was arriving to Pakistan. Arrival at this time will have long term negative impact on law and order. How, now join threads?

With due apology Mr. Qadri,
Can you even touch a police officer in USA, Canada and other developed countries?
Can public come inside the airport to receive/celebrate?
Can you refuse to get out of the plane in Canada?
Can you address Canadian army to take over Canadian airport?
 we are going to complain now Canada that your citizen has done this.
 Qadri, had put lives of passengers at risk?

Currently, army is conducting operation in Waziristan successfully. According to Dr. Shahid Masood's analysis, after effects will be in the cities and its duty of police to take care of that in cities, not the army. Now, at this critical stage, when military operation is near to completion and police has to take care, at Qadri's arrival and police was beaten by the PTA brutally, so can we imagine how much this police  is demoralized?  And this demoralization at this stage will impact their responsibility. If I would be a police officer and someone hit me, I would definitely take him to jail. Qadri has demoralized Police and if Qadri needed his own guards then why he was sitting in plane for 5hrs and created a big drama.

Can Qadri imagine, how much damage he has done to Pakistan on international level? When Qadri comes to Pakistan, he says I am Pakistani and "cuddling starts", I need bullet proof, I need military, I need security etc. Being a muslim he is denying the reality of death. He knows that day of death is fixed, you cant change it whether you are in bullet proof or not. Ok, now When Qadri land in Canada, he says I am Canadian and obeys their rule. The lust of power is very bad, Qadri sitting in container while public dying in cold winter in ISB. Is it right according to Islam, Absolutely NO. You needed bullet proof car while public should at risk on bullets. Its not humanity. Allama Iqbal has said about Mullahs like Qadri " Deen e mullah, Fasad fe sabeelallah".

Mistake of the Govt.: They should restrict media to cover this arrival. Because major panic was created by media and that causes international defame. Media has not shown full coverage to the police being beaten by the Qadri supporters. This is insane. Govt. should not give importance to Qadri, let him come to ISB, go through GT Road, you are yourself responsible for your security. None of the Govt. concern.

Its time to strenghten Police and let them work as they do in USA, Canada, even any Qadri or any MPA couldn't influence them.We have to learn from developed countries. I cannt imagine that if I would be a police officer and I was beaten by stupid blind followers of personality worshipper.


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Decision making of public and politicians of Punjab, Pakistan

Recently, in Lahore, June 2014, a sad incident occurred where in clash with police 8 people died and many of the police officers got injured. The death of innocent people is highly condemnable. The issue started on removing illegal barriers. The most interesting character in all this was" Gullu Butt". He was spotted as civilian, smashing car windows with rods in the presence of police and at some places he was leading police. Later he was identified as worker of PML-N also and tout for police. To me, both current Govt. and Mr. Qadri are responsible for this incident. A person sitting in Bullet proof CONTAINER while rest of his followers are outside in the freezing cold, how come that person be sincere to public, who only care about himself?

The most interesting part of this whole incidence, was when CM Punjab, Shahbaz Sharif said, he is not responsible for all this incidence. The very most interesting part was when "Gullu butt" was arrested after media highlights. Next day he was taken to court, and the people and lawyers beat him very well, that he got unconscious. He got his lesson.

My question is very simple, Why the public beat the "Gullu Butt" . Is he really responsible for all this or the person who has ordered him to do that? In, Pakistan, no common public can influence police except politicians and how come " Gullu Butt" did it himself. Yes, the 'RESPONSIBLES' used him and then throw him for the public.

To beat him like that, shows the anger in the public against current PML-N government and politicians. Even the police couldnt help him(Gullu) there, so it means any body can take law in his hand. 

Our public should understand one thing, until and unless we will not put the real culprit behind the bars nothing will happen here. Don't beat the man on front, identify the real person who ordered it whether CM or his nephew or any other and demand from the courts to lodge proper case against them. No more lame excuses. 
Its time to strengthen our system  not the politicians. 

By this incidence, every one will be of the view that, the current politicians are not sincere with the public and system but with themselves. Dont beat innocent public, they are just demanding their right, and you the politicians ride in bullet proof car bought from tax money of common people.

I also have right to present my point of view. JURehman

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Skin Whitening slogans and impact on social system in Pakistan

I was watching a skin whitening advertisement on television of Pakistan and it said “ Ab gora ho ga Pakistan”(now the whole nation of Pakistan will have white skin) . To me in our social system, this slogans/advertisements have created a lot of problems and social barriers. 

Like in another advertisement where family of a boy is going to propose a girl for their son and the son says “ Bhabhi Larki goori/white honi chahhiay” (Aunti, I want to marry the girl having fair skin) . To me this statement to do skin whitening and its promotion is against the teaching of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). We are creating an imbalance in our society where dark skin will be looked inferior and many of girls would be unmarried because of longterm impact of these issues.

I will give here the reference of the "Last address of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)" and will not explain it further and leave for you. Decision is yours.

“All mankind is from Adam and Eve.  An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab; a white (white or fair skin) has no superiority over a black (dark skin), nor does a black (dark skin) have any superiority over a white (white skin or fair skin); [none have superiority over another] except by piety and good action.  Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood".

(These pictures were taken from internet and doesnt mean to target or harm any industry or any person. It is just to highlight the problem.)

J.U. Rehman
(Curiosity of nature leads you to discovery and satisfaction. JURehman)