Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Back Pressure of Dengue in Pakistan, are we ignoring Congo virus too?

Let see factual aspect?
We are not still working on "How did dengue spread in Pakistan?"
Might possible, we may be able to plan for future.

Dengue outbreak started from Karachi where vector was controlled successfully as natural slope topography, water doesnt stay, or make ponds. Except, if sewerage channels are not blocked.
Karachi being the city of immigrants for earning livelihood, people returned home on EIDs and it facilitated to develop inoculum at smaller level. Due to Karachi unrest and other issues, industry moved to Lahore and other cities and so the laborers too, which helped to develop the inoculum in Lahore also.
But still there is a mystery? How does the Aedes  boost in short time in Lahore? Its not gradual? You may disagree? But I think reasons is negligence and not focusing in unaffected areas?

So, after epidemic of dengue and outbreak of mosquito, we targeted the hotspot areas for control measures(which is right approach), but we ignored the non-targeted areas and same thing repeated as in Karachi, people returned to homes on EID/other events and built the inoculum there. And now, we are experiencing back/reverse pressure, which will be severe next year as we have not learned from past and it will be difficult to handle it in future. Similarly, dengue in KPK province, the same route of spread, as people of KPK work in Karachi, Lahore and so they came back to KPK, it spread out. But its management will be easy as water doesnt stay because of natural slope in topography. But still question is there? WHY?

If we analyze all this scenario for Congo-Virus, then we are not planning for it. Few cases were reported (Ref. newspapers) I am afraid, we dont have to face in future another epidemic and more loss of lives. Our Govt. of Pakistan should start procedures for its prevention, otherwise congo may not spread like dengue.

Use of existing Infrastructure for Dengue Management:
We can't eliminate virus but its vector, yes we can.
1. Organize local committees/teams at union council level/ Mohalla level 

(or volunteers OR
unemployed people of Benazir income support programme OR
local candidates of youth internship programme
and they will be responsible for WEEKLY sampling and locating hotspot in 5-10 km area/team.
Data will be stored in IT lab of each union council which should be shared with main database in Lahore.
Union Council may be provided/local pesticide department be provided with control measures tools.
This will help in mapping the source, creating awareness, using the unemployed people getting money from income supports or fresh graduates availing of Internship Programme.

We know one thing, till yet no vaccine has been developed against Dengue Virus, and still no hope.
Should we wait for funds or its time to systematize our nation by the people by the infrastructure. We are not preparing our nation for future.
Govt. should develop the local infrastructure and empower them.

One Right person for one job only.

No more!!, one person head of multiple departments.

Decision is yours?
Curiosity of nature leads you to discovery and satisfaction. jurehman


  1. No one had ever been successful to handle the dengue in the past 30 years worldwide!!!! The one vital reason is about the four key persons: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody & Nobody. Dengue Vector control is an utmost important task to be done immediately and everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it BUT Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's responsibility. Everybody thought Anybody could do it but Nobody realised that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blame Somebody when actually Nobody asked Anybody....and Aedes spp continue to multiply quietly but rapidly by millions every week while waiting for the dengue fever patient to visit them..... and one fine day, the mosquitoes dreams come true, and epidemic started from there. I am sorry for the long story, but seriously, this is the typical scenario of all of us on planet earth.

    1. I agree, my blog was related to Pakistan specially, actually in developed countries people are always in a system and every body takes it seriously and its easy to start a process. In Pakistan, public mostly relies on Govt. to do every thing and the result is in front of us. But the best out of what they can do was I suggested. They had made a team and they are responsible for surveying in the whole city, its not possible. If you talk to govt. personels, we need funds. Few things can be done without money/funds and the problem like mosquito can be addressed by motivating the people. If only one month 95% people avoid mosquito bite and on the otherside we keep managing the mosquito population by killing them, we can reduce dengue cases to considerable level. In Pakistan, people are relying only one aspect. I say again, non-targeted areas/city(Where mosquito/dengue is still not invaded) need to do preventive sprays in regular to keep population of mosquito down, If one case got reported then you dont know how many more you are expecting. In Pakistan, my assessment says Dengue cases will appear from now every part, because it is now every where and it will be more difficult, need more input to settle it. So there should be mapping of the world now for hotspots, the un-infected countries atleast should start preventive spray, otherwise this earth will become a dengue world.

  2. I also want FREE EDUCATION. I have come up with a practical solution for it. You help me some way first, I'll tell you the solution.

    1. Dear Saxena: The problem of mosquitoes is not like that in which one will say I won you lost, I got the prize, I did that. I am doing it to save mankind or even a single life if I can. If you have any question, or want info. feel free to ask. Please educate the world about this solution so that many life could be saved.
