Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Human vs Human or Religion

In current situation, where religion/ethnic based fights/wars are common in the world. I was thinking that its not religion/ethnics based fights, actually we have destroyed the trust among human beings. 
Now, we humans mistrust humans, we human are afraid of other human being irrespective of the religion/ethnicity. All this situation, has ruined human as a human.

We have lost the 'Human'

Let's find it.....

Junaid U. Rehman
Curiosity of nature leads you to discovery and satisfaction. JURehman

Friday, February 20, 2015


We, being Muslim follow and pay our respect in the highest regard to Prophet Muhammad SAW. 

Prophet Muhammad SAW said, : Get education whether you have to travel to China"

 and we

imposed ban on youtube in Pakistan.


Junaid U. Rehman

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Bait Cars: A very good strategy by US Police


I came across a very good strategy by US police to capture the car thieves by introducing Bait Cars.
This is a normal car but equipped with a surveillance camera (hidden) in the dashboard. This camera is operated by the separate battery in the car and camera never turns off. They leave a bag/computer bag inside the car so that it may pose a normal situation. This car is parked any where. As soon as the stealer drive the car the police monitor displays all of it. Police either follow the car or alerts the nearby police to get ready for action.
To me its a very good strategy and by this police of Pakistan can also tackle or reduce the thefts by baiting the thieves. This system is very cheap and by this way actual face of the thieves can be identified.

A video link in this regard is given below where US police successfully captured the thieves.

I think this method of baiting can successfully be used  to avoid kidnapping of kids. A young girl/boy can be used as bait too, if police really wanted to.

We can learn from developed nations by adopting their good strategies.

Junaid U. Rehman
Curiosity of nature leads you to discovery and satisfaction. JURehman